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Program at a Glance

All Days

DAY 1 – 05.10(Fri) Program at a Glance Down

Room A (Vista Hall 1) Room B (Vista Hall 2+3) Room C (Grand Hall 1) Room D (Grand Hall 4+5)
08:20-08:50 Registration
08:50-09:00 Opening
09:00-10:00 Plenary Lecture I.
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-11:50 KAAACI-WAO Symposium.
Recent Advances in Food Allergy (English)
Symposium I.
Hot Topics in Drug Hypersensitivity (English)
Symposium II.
Cutting-Edge Molecular and Cellular Insights into Allergic Disease (English)
Working Group Symposium I.
Severe Asthma-NIH (Korean)
11:50-12:00 Break
12:00-12:50 Sponsored Symposium I.
Sponsored Symposium II.
Sponsored Symposium III.
12:50-13:30 Break & Poster Discussion(Q&A) I
13:30-14:30 Plenary Lecture II.
14:30-14:50 Break
14:50-16:20 Oral Presentation I. (English) Oral Presentation II. (English) Allied Health Professional (AHP) Symposium Oral Presentation III. (Korean)
16:20-16:30 Break Break
16:30-18:00 KAAACI-AAIAT Symposium. Symposium III.
Itch: Neuroimmunology to Novel Therapies (English)
Working Group Symposium II.
Chronic Cough (Korean)
18:00-18:40 Sponsored Symposium IV.
Sponsored Symposium V.
Sponsored Symposium VI.
18:40-20:00 KAAACI Ceremony & Gala Dinner (Walker Hall, 1F)

DAY 2 – 05.11(Sat)

Room A (Vista Hall 1) Room B (Vista Hall 2+3) Room C (Grand Hall 1) Room D (Grand Hall 4+5)
07:30-08:30 Meet the Experts I.
(Grand 4+5)

Jonathan A Bernstein (USA)
Meet the Experts II.
(Grand 6)

Yoon-Keun Kim (CEO, MD Healthcare Inc.)
08:30-09:00 Break
09:00-10:00 Plenary Lecture III.
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-11:50 KAAACI-EAACI Symposium.
Immune Regulation and Allergen Immunotherapy (English)
Symposium IV.
Revisiting Eosinophil in Asthma and Allergy (English)
Symposium V.
The Forefront of Innovative Drug Development (Korean)
Symposium VI.
Advancing the Frontiers in Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis (English)
11:50-12:00 Break
12:00-12:50 Sponsored Symposium VII.
Sponsored Symposium VIII. 
Sponsored Symposium IX.
12:50-13:30 Break & Poster Discussion(Q&A) II
13:30-14:30 Plenary Lecture IV.
14:30-14:50 Break
14:50-16:20 KAAACI-Interasma Symposium.
Environment and Asthma (English)
Oral Presentation IV. (English) Oral Presentation V. (English) Oral Presentation VI. (Korean)
16:20-16:30 Break
16:30-18:00 Year-in Review (English) Pros and Cons (Korean) Symposium VII.
Hot Topics in Chronic Airway Diseases (English)
18:00-18:10 Closing & KAAACI Award Ceremony

AHP - Allied Health Professional Symposium

시간 강의 제목 강사
Session 1 좌장: 지혜미 (차의대 소아청소년과)
14:30~14:55 1. 알레르기 피부시험의 실제 김미애 (차의대 내과)
14:55~15:20 2. 아토피 피부염의 올바른 관리 김효빈 (인제의대 소아청소년과)
15:20~15:30 휴식
Session 2 좌장: 이진영 (성균관의대 내과)
15:30~15:55 3. 알레르기 혈액검사의 적용과 해석 양민석 (서울의대 내과)
15:55~16:20 4. 폐기능검사의 적용과 해석 박소영 (중앙의대 내과)
16:20~16:30 휴식
Session 3 좌장: 이용원 (가톨릭관동의대 내과)
16:30~16:55 5. 천식약물 흡입기구의 올바른 사용 정재원 (인제의대 내과)
16:55~17:20 6. 알레르기비염과 올바른 환경관리 박상철 (한림의대 이비인후과)

위로 가기

1329, Gwanghwamun Officia, 92, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03186, Korea