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Guideline for Registration

  • Registration Open February 5(Mon), 2024
  • Early Registration Deadline April 24(Wed), 2024
  • Standard Registration Deadline May 3(Fri), 2024

Welcome to Register

The KAAACI Congress 2024 is an annual conference organized by the Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The congress aims to bring together researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise in the field of allergy and clinical immunology.
The KAAACI Congress covers a wide range of topics related to asthma and allergic diseases, including the latest research findings, clinical practices, and new technologies. The congress features keynote speeches, plenary sessions, symposia, and workshops, as well as poster presentations and oral abstracts.
The congress theme, “Navigating the Future of Asthma and Allergy”, reflects our commitment to advancing both research and clinical practice in these critical areas of medicine. We believe that by working together, we can shape a future where asthma and allergy patients have healthier and more gratifying lives.
We eagerly anticipate your active participation and invaluable contributions to what promises to be an enlightening and inspiring event.

Registration Process

  1. Sign up to create a
    KAAACI Congress account

    1. For Korea
    2. For international

    If you already have an
    account, please Log in

  2. Online
  3. Registration
  4. Payment
  5. Payment
  6. Registration
  • Please make the payment to complete the registration.
  • If you do not receive the confirmation after the payment, please contact the secretariat (

Registration Rates

Early registration
until April 24 2024
Standard registration
until 3 May 2024
Regular Rate 100,000 150 120,000 200 140,000 250
Special Rate 50,000 75 60,000 100 70,000 125
Optional items Meet the expert 10,000 20 10,000 20 Not Applicable
AHP program 30,000 Not Applicable 30,000 Not Applicable

  • Regular rate: Medical doctor, Professor
  • Special rate: Fellow, Residents, Nurses, Students, Public health doctors, Researchers, Allied health personnel, etc.
  • AHP program: Korean only

Meet the Expert Sessions

The Meet the Expert (MTE) sessions are informal one-hour small group seminars. Each session begins with about 30-minute presentation by a single speaker, followed by an interactive time where attendees can engage in Q&A, and discussions, and receive advice.
To participate in the MTE sessions, attendees are required to register separately for each session in addition to their conference registration. Light refreshments will be provided to attendees during the session. Please note that each session has limited availability, and registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Payment Methods

Online Credit Card Payment

  • Payment by credit card is possible only through the on-line registration system.
  • All credit card service charges are to be paid by the registrants.
  • The actual debit amount is subject to change according to the exchange rate.

Wire Transfer (*Domestic only)

  • Direct bank transfers should be made to the account below. All bank charges for remittance must be paid by the registrants.
  • Please note that the transfer must be made under the registrant's name.
Beneficiary name The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Beneficiary account no 100-012-958376
Beneficiary Bank Name Shinhan BANK
송금처 신한은행 100-012-958376 (예금주 : 대한천식알레르기학회)

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Any cancellation of registration should be notified in writing to the secretariat by email.
All refunds will be processed after the congress. Please refer to the following deadlines for cancellation.

Until April 30, 2024 Full Refund
From May 1, 2024 No Refund

Invitation Letter Request

If you require an invitation letter to obtain a visa for entry into the Republic of Korea, please contact us via email at Invitation letters will be provided upon request to participants who have completed their registration and payment.

Domestic Participants Only (CME Credit)

  • 교육 수강 시작과 종료를 확인할 수 있도록 2회 (입장/퇴장 시)에 걸쳐 반드시 출결 확인이 되어야 평점을 인정 받을 수 있습니다.
    참가자는 등록데스크와 행사장 로비에 설치되어 있는 자동출결관리 리더기에 명찰을 태그하여 주시기 바라며, 반드시 출결관리를 철저히 하시어 불이익이 없도록 숙지 바랍니다.
  • 본인 외 발급불가
  • 대한의사협회 연수교육 이수 내역은 연수교육 종료 후 4주 후부터 KMA 교육센터(를 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
  • Break 시간 제외하고 강의 시간만 평점 인정됩니다.

대한의사협회 평점

날짜 5월 10일(금) 5월 11일(토)
평점 6점 6점

대한의사협회 연수교육 출석확인 평점인정 기준

1시간 미만 0평점 4시간 이상 5시간 미만 4평점
1시간 이상 2시간 미만 1평점 5시간 이상 6시간 미만 5평점
2시간 이상 3시간 미만 2평점 6시간 이상 6평점
3시간 이상 4시간 미만 3평점

내과전문의 평생교육 평점

날짜 5월 10일(금) 5월 11일(토)
평점 1점 1점

내과전공의 외부학술회의 참석 평점

날짜 5월 10일(금) 5월 11일(토)
평점 2점

학술대회 기간(2일) 중 1일 세션 시간 기준 3시간 초과 참석 시 2점 인정

*1일 3시간 미만 참석 시 평점 인정 불가 / 양일 참석 시간 합산 불가

[내과전공의 외부학술회의(학술대회) 참석 인정학회 인정 기준]
1) 오전, 오후를 기준으로 하여 각각 하나의 session으로 간주
2) 오전, 오후에 걸쳐 개최된 학술대회에 모두 참석하였을 때에는 2점으로 각각 기록 확인
3) 학술대회 종료 후 28일(4주) 이내 결과보고가 완료된 건에 한해 인정

※ 국내개최 국제학술대회 - 국내 춘, 추계학술대회 대체인 경우 인정되고, 개최기간에 관계없이 2점 인정

위로 가기

1329, Gwanghwamun Officia, 92, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03186, Korea